2 RFT50 Pull-ups15 Clean and Jerks (135/95)75 AMSUs
For Time9 Back Squats (225/155)400m Run15 Back Squats (225/155)400m Run21 Back Squats (225/155)400m Run
Partner WOD (Teams of 2)On a 20 min clock, 2 min each round.10 Sets (5 each):15 DB Deadlifts (50s/35s)Max Cal Bike *Partners alternate work/rest every 2 mins until they both complete 5 rounds. **Score is cals each round.
For Total Time3 Rounds12 Strict HSPUs50 Air Squats 3 min Rest 3 Rounds12 Kipping HSPUs25 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
For Time42 GHDSUs21 Front Squats (185/125)30 GHDSUs15 Front Squats (185/125)18 GHDSUs9 Front Squats (185/125) *Take bar from the floor.
For Time400m Run25 Shoulder Press (115/75)400m Run15 Shoulder Press (115/75)400m Run10 Shoulder Press (115/75)400m Run *Each time the athlete breaks a set of presses, they must run 100m. Take bar from the floor.