Partner WOD3 RFT1000m/800m Row*Partners split the distance 50/50, after each round, teams perform 2 DUs for each stroke taken.
Partner WOD3 RFT1000m/800m Row*Partners split the distance 50/50, after each round, teams perform 2 DUs for each stroke taken.
12 min AMRAP50 Box Jumps (24″/20″)50 Pull-ups50 Overhead Squats (95/65)50 Wall Ball (20/14 to a 10’/9′ target)50/35 Cal Bike
5 Sets for Load: 3 Power Cleans6 Alternating Front Rack Reverse Lunges *complete the complex touch and go, unbroken
Partner WOD (Teams of 2)20 min AMRAP800m Run (together)10 Rope Climbs (15′) *partners run together and split total reps on RCs
4 Rounds for Reps1 min Cal Row1 min Sit-ups1 min DB Box Step-overs (50s/35s on a 20″ box) *use 2 DBs for the step-overs
For Time60 DUs30 DB Power Cleans (50s/35s)48 DUs24 DB Power Cleans36 DUs18 DB Power Cleans24 DUs12 DB Power Cleans12 DUs6 DB Power Cleans