12 min AMRAPTeams of 2Partner 1:Max Air Bike CaloriesPartner 2:15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)15 GHD Sit Ups-Switch when sit ups are completed-
12 min AMRAPTeams of 2Partner 1:Max Air Bike CaloriesPartner 2:15 Box Jumps (24″/20″)15 GHD Sit Ups-Switch when sit ups are completed-
3 Rounds10 Front Squats (115/80)10 Bar Facing Burpees10 Pull Ups-At 15:00-For Time:30 Front Squats (115/80)30 Bar Facing Burpees30 Pull Ups *score 2 separate times
“Rowling”Teams of 23 sets (each/1:1)10 rounds100m Rowling+1 Bench Press (155/95) for every meter over or under 100m (5 rep limit)
For Time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Burpee Dumbbell Deadlift (2x50s/35s)30 Double Unders after each set
Teams of 26 setsPartner 1:15/12 Calorie Air Bike5 Bar Muscle Ups (Or 10 Kipping Chest to Bar)Partner 2:Max Wall Balls (20/14)Both partner work at the same time and switch when the bike and bar muscle ups are complete. *score is total # of wall balls completed per team.
“The Ginger” 22 min AMRAP 400m Run7 Thrusters (155/105)20 Pull Ups This workout was written in honor of US Navy Chief Stephen “Tyler” Murphy, who was fatally injured as a result of a terrible tragedy that occurred on July 4th, 2022. Tyler was an athlete and coach at several CrossFit affiliates over his years in
15 min AMRAPBuy in: 45/35 Calorie Air Bike3 Rounds30 GHDs (V-Ups)30 Dumbbell Box Step Ups (35s/25s) (24/20)-in the remainder of time-Max Calorie Air Bike *score is second set of cals on bike