5 Sets, each for time (every 2:30) 8 x 50′ Shuttle Runs 12 Front Squats (135/95) *Each shuttle run rep = 25′ down, 25′ back (50′ total)
5 Sets, each for time (every 2:30) 8 x 50′ Shuttle Runs 12 Front Squats (135/95) *Each shuttle run rep = 25′ down, 25′ back (50′ total)
7 RFT 10 Hand Release Push-ups 10 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35) 10 T2B (or 10 Toe to Ring) 10 Wall Balls (20/14)
For Time 10 Thrusters (135/95) 100 Double Unders 8 Thrusters 80 Double Unders 6 Thrusters 60 Double Unders 4 Thrusters 40 Double Unders 2 Thrusters 20 Double Unders
2 Rounds for Time: 3 Minute Run (easy pace) 30 Alt. Leg V-ups 30 Air Squats 2 Minute Run (moderate pace) 20 Alt. Leg V-ups 20 Air Squats 1 Minute Run (fast pace) 10 Alt. Leg V-ups 10 Air Squats
CrossFit Games Open 17.2 12 Minute AMRAP 2 rounds of:50-ft. weighted walking lunge16 toes-to-bars8 power cleansThen 2 rounds of:50-ft. weighted walking lunge16 bar muscle-ups8 power cleans M: 50-lb. dumbbellsF: 35-lb. dumbbells * alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds
Perform every 4 minutes for 4 sets: (at 0 and 8:00) 3 min AMRAP 30/24 Cal Row/Bike Max reps Bench Press (115/80) -rest 1 min- (at 4:00 and 12:00) 3 min AMRAP 30/24 Cal Row/Bike Max reps Push-ups -rest 1 min- *score all bench reps as score 1 and all push-up reps as score 2
For Time 21 Back Squats (135/95) 21 Bar-facing Burpees 75 Double-unders 15 Back Squats (135/95) 15 Bar-facing Burpees 75 Double-unders 9 Back Squats (135/95) 9 Bar-facing Burpees 75 Double-unders