20 min AMRAP 15/12 Calorie Row15 Bench Press (115/75)15 V-Ups
6 min AMRAP10 Push Ups1 Rope Climb (Or 4 Strict Pull-Ups) -2:00 Rest- 6 min AMRAP10 Dumbbell Bench Press (50s/35s)5 Strict Pull Ups
For Time 21/16 Cal Assault Bike (or 16/14 Echo)21 Thrusters (75/55)18/14 Cal Assault Bike (or 14/12 Echo)18 Thrusters (95/65)15/12 Cal Assault Bike (or 12/10 Echo)15 Thrusters (115/80)-into-40 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (115/80)
8 RFTWall Walk (Up) + 10 Shoulder Taps + Wall Walk (Down)30 Double Unders10 Inverted Ring Rows
5 Sets1:30 AMRAPPartner 1: 6 Overhead Squats (135/95)Partner 2: 6 Box Jumps (30″/24″)*Both complete and switch-then-Max Kipping Chest to Bar / Bar Muscle Ups/ Ring Muscle Ups-rest 1:30 between rounds-
For Time 5-4-3-2-1Wall Walks25-20-15-10-5Kettlebell Swings (70/53)Calorie Row(Women Calories: 20-16-12-8-4)
6 Sets (Each For Time)5 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlifts (2×50/35)10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (2×50/35)30 Crossover Single Unders (OR 45 Double Unders)-rest 1:00 between sets-
15 min AMRAP 10 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (50/35) (20″)20 V-Ups50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (50/35)