18 min AMRAP 9 Deadlifts (115/80)12 Box Jumps (24″/20″)15 GHDs (Or V-Ups)
Teams of 3: 49 min AMRAP (2024 into 2025) P1: 200m Run P2: 20 Cal Bike/Row/Ski P3: 24 Box Step-ups *scoring: when each partner completes their station, the team has completed 1 round. Athletes rotate stations and continue (1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 1, etc.) Score is team total of rounds completed
3 Rounds100ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (1×35/25)30 Dumbbell Bench Press (2x35s/25s)-rest 5:00-3 Rounds50ft Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (2×50/35)15 Dumbbell Bench Press (2x50s/35s)
5 Sets6 Deadlifts (225/155)8 Bar Facing Burpees10/9 Calorie Air Bike-rest 1:1 between sets-
For Time 400-300-200-100-50mRun25-20-15-10-5Handstand Push Ups (or regular push-ups)Jumping Air Squats
21 min AMRAP 18/14 Calorie Air Bike9x50ft Shuttle Run3 Power Cleans (185/125)* Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back.