For Time 400m Row (or Run) 50′ HSW (or 4 Wall Walks) 600m Row (or Run) 75′ HSW (or 6 Wall Walks) 800m Row (or Run) 50′ HSW (or 4 Wall Walks)
For Time 400m Row (or Run) 50′ HSW (or 4 Wall Walks) 600m Row (or Run) 75′ HSW (or 6 Wall Walks) 800m Row (or Run) 50′ HSW (or 4 Wall Walks)
Redwings 19 min AMRAP 400m Run w/object 19 Burpees *carry something around 45/25 lbs for the run. A Medball, slamball, sandbag, KB, DB, Plate, etc. This workout was written in honor of the 11 Navy Seals and 8 US Army Soldiers from the 160th Specials Operations Aviation Regiment who lost their lives in Operation Red
CFG24 Quarterfinals Workout 1 4 rounds for max reps of:1 minute of snatches1 minute of rowing for calories1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups1 minute of rest F: 85lb barbell, 35lb dumbbells, 20-inch boxM: 135lb barbell, 50lb dumbbells, 20-inch box
For Time 1 min AMRAP 7 Bench Press (155/95) AMRAP T2B in time remaining until you get to 100 reps. -rest 1 min between sets-
5 Sets (each for time) 50 DUs 15/12 Cal Bike 10 Box Jump Overs (30″/24″) -rest 1:1 between rounds-
For Time 30 Pull-ups 3 Rounds of DT (155/105) 20 Pull-ups 2 Rounds of DT (155/105) 10 Pull-ups 1 Round of DT (155/105) *one round of DT = 12 Deadlifts + 9 Hang Power Cleans + 6 Shoulder to Overhead
In 3 mins complete: 2 Rounds 50′ Single Arm DB OH Walking Lunge 10 T2B *If you complete this within 3 mins, it unlocks 3 more minutes. Repeat another 2 rounds, with 2 additional reps of T2B. Continue adding 3 mins and 2 T2B reps until time catches you. Cap is 15 mins/5 Rds. **You