For Time 100/80 Cal Bike 100/80 Cal Row *partition as desired.
12 min AMRAP 200m Run 10 Strict Pull-ups -rest 2 mins- 12 min AMRAP 200m Run 20 Push-ups -rest 2 mins- 12 min AMRAP 200m Run 30 Air Squats
Gwen Clean & Jerk 15-12- and 9 reps Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets
5 Rounds (each for time) 12/10 Cal Row 10 GHDSUs (or stick sit-ups) 12/10 Cal Row 10 V-ups -rest 1:1 between rounds-
8 min AMRAP 300 DUs 20 DB Farmer Carry Reverse Lunges (50s/35s) 20 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges (50s/35s) 20 SA DB Overhead Reverse Lunges (50s/35s) *OH Lunges are 10 ea. L/R
5 min AMRAP 500/400m Row Max Strict HSPUs -rest 5 mins- 5 min AMRAP 500/400m Row Max Push-ups -rest 5 mins- 5 min AMRAP 500/400m Row Max DB Bench Press (50s/35s)