Part A: 3 sets 3 min AMRAP 5 Power Cleans (185/125) 10 Bar-facing Burpees Max Cal Bike -rest 3 mins between sets- *after the third set, rest 3 mins and start part B- For Time 15 Power Cleans (185/125) 30 Bar-facing Burpees 45/36 Cal Bike
Part A: 3 sets 3 min AMRAP 5 Power Cleans (185/125) 10 Bar-facing Burpees Max Cal Bike -rest 3 mins between sets- *after the third set, rest 3 mins and start part B- For Time 15 Power Cleans (185/125) 30 Bar-facing Burpees 45/36 Cal Bike
10 min AMRAP 5 Bar MUs 25 Crossover Singles 20 KB Reverse Lunges (53/35) -rest 5 mins- 10 min AMRAP 60 SUs 15′ HS Walk 15 KBS (53/35) 15′ HS Walk
Every 4 mins (4 sets, each for time) 10 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) 15 Strict HSPUs 10 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
(Teams of 2) For Time M/M- 4000m Row F/F- 3400m Row M/F- 3600m Row *one partner rows at a time, switch as desired.
10 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15… Burpee Pull-up Box Jump Over (30″/24″) *cont. in this manner, adding 3 reps each subsequent round.
3 Rounds 27 Air Squats 21 GHDSUs (or V-ups) 15 Deficit Push-ups (4″/2″) -rest 3 mins- 3 Rounds 27 Air Squats 21 T2B 15 Push-ups *score the time of each section
12 min AMRAP 25′ DB Walking Lunge (50/35) 50 DUs 25′ DB Walking Lunge (50/35) 15/12 Cal Bike
3 Sets (each for time) 15/12 Cal Row 15 S2OH (95/65) 20 T2B 15 S2OH (95/65) 15/12 Cal Row -rest 1:1 between each set-