Partner WOD (Teams of 2) For Time 50/40 Cal Row50 Push ups50/40 Cal Row100 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80)50/40 Cal Row50 Push ups50/40 Cal Row*Split reps/calories as needed*
Partner WOD (Teams of 2) For Time 50/40 Cal Row50 Push ups50/40 Cal Row100 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80)50/40 Cal Row50 Push ups50/40 Cal Row*Split reps/calories as needed*
4 RFT10 Right Arm Dumbbell Cleans (70/50)10 Left Arm Dumbbell Cleans (70/50)20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Each set for time: 6 Sets (Every 3:00)14/11 Cal Assault Bike (12/10 Cal Echo)7 Thrusters (115/80)
For Time 100-75-50Double Unders150-100-50ftSingle Arm Overhead Dumbbell Lunge (50/35)25 GHD Sit-ups (after each set of lunges)
For Time 12 Burpee Box Get Over (30″/24″)24 Pull-ups12 Burpee Box Get Over (30″/24″)18 Chest to Bars12 Burpee Box Get Over (30″/24″)12 Bar Muscle-Ups (Or 24 Chest to Bar)
1 min AMRAP 10 Thrusters (115/80)Max Reps Bar Muscle Ups (Or Chest to Bar Pull-ups)-Rest 1 Minute between sets-*Complete Sets until you get to 30 Bar Muscle Ups (total) (Or 60 Chest to Bar)
For Time (Teams of 2) 100 GHDSUs (or Stick Sit-ups)30 Power Cleans (185/125)10x50ft Dumbbell Farmer Carry (70s/50s)
16 min AMRAP 5 rounds15/12 Cal Row10 Box Jumps (30″/24″) Then,Max Rounds12/10 Cal Row8 Strict Handstand Push Ups